When do we raid?
Raids are planned on the same days each week and always start at 20:30 server time and we continue until 22:30.
We Raid on Sundays and Wednesdays.
What are the requirements / rules?
- Be online by 20:15, so that we can form the raid group and be ready to pull at 20:30 sharp.
- If you want to raid, then sign up and turn up. If you cannot make a raid, put yourself as absent and/or speak to an Officer. If you sign up to raid then please stay until raid time ends.
- Raid times will not be extended, but we may have one final pull to get us the kill if we are close.
- We understand that real life comes first but please do let an Officer know if you are going to be late. Anyone who is late and does not notify the Officers on more than one occasion may not be invited to future raids (depending on individual circumstances).
- Ensure gear is gemmed and has all available enchants.
- Bring enough consumables to last for the raid, e.g., potions, flasks, food.
- Please do not talk during fights. The Raid Leader and any other assigned raid members need to be heard by all. The Raid Leader will be responsible for the strategy for the raid, please speak to the RL directly before or after the raid if you have any input.
- If you are unsure of what to do in a particular fight, please ask.
- Please respect your fellow raiders.
- Gear priority goes to mains and main spec, then offspec, then alts, and finally transmog. Unless otherwise agreed.
- You may be asked to change to your offspec if needed. Your gear rolls will need to still be for your main spec.
- All members who wish to raid will be given a maximum of 3 chances to meet any minimum requirements for the relevant raid difficulty (ilvl, enchants, dps, etc.) If this requirement is not met, then they will be taken off the raiding roster until they can demonstrate improvement.
- All fights will be logged, and this information will be used to examine whether people are struggling and in need of some guidance. Please accept this help as constructive feedback. Please use WoWAnalyzer to look at your personal logs and try to improve (rotation, CD usage, etc.)
- Progression raiders will be selected from log parses, performance, raid attendance and attitude. When we start Heroic progression, there will be normal raids available. This will be for those who only want casual raids, and for people who are wanting to get into progression.
- As a Guild our goal is to achieve Ahead of the Curve each season and push as far as we can. If you want to raid Mythic, then please be aware that raiding outside of the guild will leave you locked and unable to attend Mythic raids with the guild until reset.
Besides that, especially during progression, we will be checking your gear. If there is a better geared player available you might be asked to step out so we have a better chance to kill a boss.
Don't take this personally. We have to think as a guild and we can't just bring anyone all the time, especially while progressing through new content. We will only do this when there's no other option.